Smart tool 92346
Smart tool 92346

smart tool 92346 smart tool 92346

Shuts off automatically after 5 minutes when it’s not being used. M-D is not responsible for any damage incurred to the components while in transit to M-D 3. Returns the sMArtTOOL postage paid and insured to M-D at the address set forth below. The display will even flip over with the level, so it always reads right side up. Call 1-800-SMART LEVEL (762-7853) for a Return Authorization Number. The Hold button will freeze the reading on the display for easy viewing. Simple to use, just press the ON/OFF button, and it will show you the angle of any surface with decimal-point accuracy. The solid ABS construction makes it resistant to impact and it's sealed against dirt and water penetration. It also features an audible beeper that alerts you to when it's level and/or plumb. Smart-Tool 92346 Angle Sensor Module Digital Protractor/Level Angle Sensor Module Digital Protractor/Level Smart-Tool 92346, Smart-Tool 92346 Angle Sensor Module Digital Protractor/Level, Digital Protractor/Level: Home Improvement,Smart-Tool 92346 Angle Sensor Module,Excellent quality,100 Days Free Returns,Discover The Largest Selection Of. The large LCD digital display shows readings in degrees, percent slope, and pitch with an accuracy of 1/10th of a degree. The SmartTool™ Digital Level / Digital Inclinometer / Digital Clinometer / Digital Angle Finder - measures all angles in a 360 degree range and can measure any angle in degrees up to 0.1 degree of accuracy. MD SmartTool™ Module - digital level / digital inclinometer / builder's angle finder

Smart tool 92346 code#

SmartTool™ Digital Level / Digital InclinometerĮnter group code and click "Check It" to activate rate: QCOM SMART TOOL unlock and repair Alcatel, Motorola, ZTE, SFR, Vodafone, LG, HTC, Dell, Huawei, Acer, Amoi, Toshiba, Foma, HiSense, Palm, Sharp, MobiT.

Smart tool 92346